Excuses to Get Money from Parents

7 Good Lies To Get Money From Your Parents – (REAL Excuses)

In this article, we will discuss the “Good Lies To Get Money From Your Parents”

When it comes to making excuses, there are multiple excuses to make whenever you need money from your parents. No matter how desperate your need for money is, you just can’t go straight up and ask. 

Whatever argument about money or excuse you present to them must make some sense. Based on an invalid argument, you can never get money from their parents; however, if you are honest where your needs are concerned, they might offer you a generous amount. It’s up to you how you want to express your need to your parents. 

Good Lies To Get Money From Your Parents?

Who doesn’t want to earn or have extra money apart from monthly allowance while in college? The monthly allowance we get from our parents might just fulfill our necessities but not overhead expenses towards college and social life. 

You have come to the right place if you are looking for some best yet reasonable excuses to sell to your parents. How much you will convince them merely depends upon how well you present it and what their financial status of the moment is. 

Money is essential while you are attending college, and it’s best to save little from your daily allowance so you can survive comfortably. 

This article combines some of the best excuses and seemingly genuine ones, so your parents can readily offer you some money. Also, your parents must trust you for them to give you extra money at any point in time. 

If you share a relatively cordial relationship with your parents, it may not be as hard to get money from them. They will support all your causes, understand your needs, and you may not even need to go far with making excuses. Even if you express your needs and desires honestly, they will understand. 

5 Potential Excuses To Get Money From Parents

Five potential excuses to make them believe are discussed below. 

1. Projects in The School

  • This excuse can never be outdated; for a really long time, students have used school projects as an excuse to get money from their parents 
  • When using this excuse, you should make sure you don’t ask an unreal amount, making your parents suspicious. 
  • Your parents might even ask you to present that assignment and show them what your progress is; with a particular project, you must be prepared to explain to them 

2. Classes for Self-Improvement

  • One excuse your parents will readily give you money for, and every parent wants their child to improve, be it any sphere of life. 
  • You should find an online course and photoshop all details to fit your preference and tell them you need money to register. 
  • Choose a non-expensive one, so it is easy to believe for your parents as well. 
  • You wouldn’t ever get caught with this excuse because it will only delight your parents to know you are going for a course such as this, and they will dig no deep to find out more about it. 

3. Shopping Needs

  • This excuse is slightly tricky to play around with, and it purely depends on your age and your parents’ way of looking at freedom for you. 
  • If they decide to go shopping along with you, then this could be a bit of trouble. However, it’s a friendly excuse if you’re in college. 
  • If you have other plans to cater to the shopping allowance, you must have reasonable ways to get enough clothes to show your parents and save a little money aside for your other needs. 

4. Want A Break

  • This excuse will never backfire as your parents will also understand your need to take a break. 
  • Building a strong work ethic and working to improve your grades might impress your parents, and they might offer the money you want 
  • Whenever asking for money, try to be as open as possible about what you want to do with that money. 

5. Loan-Related Excuses

  • Loan excuses generally seem genuine to parents as they know that kids will only ask in case of a desperate need. 
  • Attending a school project that’s necessary or having lost money to scammers is one of the excuses you can always make 
  • You can tell them you bought a textbook long back and didn’t have time to inform home. 


1. What are the most common excuses to get money from parents?

The most common excuses to make include loan-related excuses and school projects. These excuses will never be outdated, and your parents always find your loan needs and school project needs genuine. They will readily offer you money as long as the amount you have demanded is reasonable. 

2. Can we make an excuse about misplaced money?

Misplaced money can be explained as an excuse if you reveal to your parents under what circumstances you lost money, and it should seem genuine. That will convince them that you lost money and that you need it now. 


Some of the best excuses to get money from parents include school projects, self-improvement classes, and shopping allowance. Whether your parents will understand or not depends on how effectively you can present these excuses to them. 

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Discolsure: I am not a financial expert and it is highly recommended that you seek out a professional before making any financial decisions. Articles are informational and for educational purposes only.

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